Therapeutic Outlets
Therapeutic Outlets
Establishing mindful outlets to focus one’s attention and energy is a powerful way to achieve various goals or stay motivated in the process. When these outlets are therapeutic, there is an inevitable force of balance and stability that comes from the experiences. We find this to be extremely important and vital to the process of change and goal orientation.
We help others build therapeutic outlets through activities like fishing and archery. Adventure therapy is a mental health therapy discipline that uses the natural environment to help individuals cope with and overcome cognitive, behavioral, social and affective concerns or disorders. This is finding true wellness in the wild.
We focus on taking our clients on fishing and archery hunting trips across the beautiful landscapes of Montana. The process of practicing a skill, executing it successfully and walking away with food to feed yourself or your family are unparalleled experiences of the adventure therapy methodology we apply. We dive into these therapeutic adventures, head-first, with the intention of moving deep below the surface and into the process of establishing healthy habits, evoking changes, and keeping a vision on supportive goals.